Hangouts free download

Hangouts free download

hangouts free download

Download Hangouts for Android to expand social contacts worldwide with private and group conversations, messaging, and expressive media. Download Hangouts An instant message and video conference software for both Android and iOS operating systems. To download to your desktop sign into Chrome and enable sync or send to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free.

Hangouts free download - this phrase


An instant message and video conference software for both Android and iOS operating systems

  • Category:

    Instant Messaging

  • Version:

  • Works under:

    Windows Vista / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows / Windows XP

  • Also available for:


  • Program available in:In English
  • Program license:Free
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For those curious about Google Hangouts, you should understand how this instant messaging and video conferencing service through Google can help you. First, you have wide availability through Gmail, Google+ and mobile apps made for the Android and iOS. You can download the Google Chrome extension to chat with contacts right from your Windows desktop.

Who Should Use Hangouts?

Anyone who wants a fast and convenient platform for instant messaging will find value in Google Hangouts. You can easily access chatting with friends right from your email, which means anyone with a Gmail account can make easy use out of hangouts. Another person who might want Hangouts includes the person who belongs to a group conversation. Hangouts can work as either a one-on-one conversation, or you can host up to people on the chat.

Video Conferencing

Along with group chat of up to people, people have also made video conferencing calls with as many as 10 people simultaneously. Meanwhile, it doesn't even matter what device you have decided to connect on. Video calls will open a larger window to give you access to all the features and apps associated with video calling. In fact, the video conferencing service integrates seamlessly with the Google Drive and Youtube apps to add visual effects. Perhaps you have entered an important business meeting where you need to share documents from Google Drive. It becomes simple on Hangouts.

If someone doesn't know how to access the video conference, you can share a link with them in the chat box to help them access it more easily.

Intuitive Interface

Google Hangouts embraces a minimalist approach to their interface. It's wonderfully non-obstructive, and you can navigate the features almost seamlessly. The most essential features like instant messaging happen through the main window, and you will see a list of your contacts. For those with many contacts, you can find the desired friend you want to chat with through the search engine to quickly find their name.

International Phone Calls

What many people don't realize is how instead of using a phone to pay for expensive $ a minute international phone calls, you can call to the United States for free. Meanwhile, the cost to send calls out to other countries like Jamaica and Brazil come with a lower cost than international calling, and because you buy on credit, you don't have to worry about an expensive multi-thousand dollar phone bill bill surprising you at the end of the month.

Overall, Hangouts provides us with an excellent instant messaging platform. You have many conventional features, and you have virtually no drawbacks to using the app. Just log into Google and start sending instant messages, emojis and images to your friends and family.


  • Up to people on group chat
  • Dependable video conferencing calls
  • Free international phone calls to the United States
  • Integrates seamlessly with other Google apps


  • Must always keep Chrome open

Hangouts for Google Chrome is a special extension released by Google that will allow people to use Hangouts without actually using Google+ or Gmail. Instead, any chat notifications will take place in a notification bar and windows that

Pros of Downloading Hangouts for Google Chrome:

  • Unobtrusive: Because all of the notifications for Google Hangouts, when Google+ and Gmail are not being used, appear in the notifications bar, they are not considered to be very obtrusive. This allows people to be in constant contact with their friends through this particular medium without having to deal with large notifications that could distract the user.
  • Persistent Windows Can Be Minimized: Another advantage is that persistent windows are able to be minimized. This means that people can carry on conversations with one another and do work at the same time. When a person needs to talk to the people with whom he or she is in a conversation, he or she will be able to open the window so it can easily be seen. When there is a lull in the conversation, the window can be minimized so that other pages can be looked at without having to keep an open tab.
  • Lots of Different Features: Hangouts have a number of different features that will allow a person to communicate easily with his or her friends. There is the option to share photographs, which makes it easy for one person to gradually accumulate all of the necessary pictures of an event, rather than tracking them all down individually. There is also a video call function on which up to 10 people can be connected. This makes it easy for people who are not close to one another to collaborate on group projects and stay in close communication. The written chat feature is standard, although it supports emoji and other chat extras, including a function that lets people see how far a person has read in a chat message. This communication function will sync across devices, allowing people to chat with their friends on Google Hangouts if they are using a mobile device or a computer.

Cons of Downloading Hangouts for Google Chrome:

  • Need to Use Google Chrome: In order for this extension to work, Google Chrome needs to be used. This is important, because it limits the number of different web browsers that a person is able to use.
  • Chat Windows Cover Desktop: The chat windows will cover the desktop, which can make it difficult for a person to easily access different icons and decreased productivity levels. Despite this, the Google Chrome extension for Hangouts is much more convenient than Hangouts in its original form because it doesn't require a separate tab to be open.
  • Needs to Install Through the Website: In order to install this extension, a person needs to go to the Google Webstore. It cannot be purchased off of third-party websites. This can be inconvenient for many people and result in problems for certain browsers.
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